22 February 2025
Boorowa bowls

The major pairs championship commenced last weekend.

In the first round John Bromham and Bill Luxford defeated Tim and Ruth Bonfield, Charlie Sorgsepp and Shane Foote defeated L Arber and Greg Thurtell.

Greg and Gerard Dunn found that Darryll Murphy and Glen Klose were too strong.

The combination of Chris and Des Grimson had a bye.

In the semi final s Charlie and Shane were too strong for Bill and John.

Glen and Darryll eliminated Des and Chris Grimson.

Therefore the final is Darryll and Glen play Shane and Charlie.

In Thursdays social bowls Alan Sargeant won the trophy on 28 points over Leo Sorgsepp on 23 with John Piper and Dave Bromham on 21points in third.

Social bowls are on Thursday at 12.30pm.