22 February 2025
Murray River Venture

Ex-local man Travis Harpley, who now lives at Old Erowal Bay, has just returned from the Murray River after completing the second stage of a trip down the Murray River in an attempt to be the first person to navigate the Murray in a solar powered boat.

The idea of travelling the Murray developed from a discussion with a friend in early 2022 about the lack of solar powered boats. After researching the type of boat required it was found that boats with small displacement hulls were slow but efficient for the purpose. A boat was duly purchased and many hours were put into rebuilding and modifying to include a canopy for the solar panels and underfloor access for storage.

A test run at the River Festival in Nowra in September 2022 resulted in the boat capsizing due to an extreme wind gust and it was then further damaged when run over by the rescue boat.

This delayed the attempt for a year while repairs were carried out.

The boat was ready in December 2023 and a decision was made to use the exercise as a fund raiser for Dementia due to a number of family members and friends having been affected by this health issue. Donations can be made through the online Solar Murray facebook page.

A start was finally made on Christmas Day 2023 but once again ran into trouble when the gear box of the car blew whilst towing the boat up Macquarie Pass. A return to base and change of vehicle saw the boat finally launched on the 27* December at Yarrawonga.

The boat cruises at approximately 8-10 knots an hour depending on sun light, river flow and traffic. Travis must steer the boat all day making the most of daylight and ties the boat at night to sleep on board in a swag.

There were a few issues with the boat to deal with throughout the trip and the motor began making a noise upstream from Tooleybuc so it was decided to pull it out and have a look. A mechanic from the town offered to help but it was found that water had entered the motor and the trip had to be stop after 7 days and 600 kilometres.

On Boxing Day 2024 the boat was towed back to Tooleybuc for the start of the second stage from Tooleybuc to Renmark which took a further 7 days.

Travis's parents, Carol and Greg, were support crew and drove from town to town to keep in touch and assist with supplies and equipment whilst relaxing by the river and doing some sightseeing.

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Travis is grateful for the many people who have donated to the Dementia site, which is still open for donations, and also to the many people he met along the way who assisted with repairs to enable him to continue. He is hampered in the quest by time constraints with his business but also finds needing to be alert at all times very demanding. He intends to do the final leg of the trip to the Murray mouth next year.