22 February 2025
Aboriginal Housing Office request rejected by Council

A request to Hilltops Council from the Aboriginal Housing Office to waive charges for water and sewer connection for affordable housing developments on Bruce Street, Young, have been rejected by Hilltops Council.

The Aboriginal Housing Office requested that three locations have the water and sewage connection fees waived, however, Councillors followed the recommendation given by staff that Council receive and note the report and refuse the request for an exemption.

The report presented to Councillors at the December Ordinary meeting said to connect a property to Council's water and sewage infrastructure all applicants must apply to Goldenfields Water for a Certificate of Compliance, apply to Hilltops Council following receiving the Certificate of Compliance from Goldenfields Water and then pay the relevant fees and charges that help fund the cost of new water and sewer infrastructure and services and then pay the meter and connection costs which includes materials, equipment and labour costs.

"Council ensures payments are made, verifies compliance with planning and development requirements and facilitates the final connection," the report read.

The report went on to say the charges are levied on new or existing developments that place (or have the potential to place) additional load on water and sewer systems.

"The Development Servicing Plan (DSP) 2016 for Young does not exempt affordable housing developments from Section 64 charges," the report read.

"These Aboriginal Housing Office has submitted a request to waive Section 64 charges which total $33,640.40, excluding GST.

"The Aboriginal Housing Office also requested the connection cost to be waived which is in addition to these charges."

A breakdown of the charges for the three lots is a total of $9,023 for Lot 8, $12,308.70 for Lot 7 and $12,308.70 for Lot 6.

In the additional information for consideration it stated Goldenfields Water had already charged the Aboriginal Housing Office $24,255.60 for the development.

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"Goldenfields Water was not able to waive the developer infrastructure charges as they do not have a policy for affordable housing," the report read.

"Providing an exemption to the requested Section 64 charges may support affordable housing objectives, however this would require a change in policy which would need to be publicly exhibited for 28 days prior to the adoption.

"If an exemption were to be adopted by Council, broader implications would need to be considered, including potential precedent and Council's capacity to fund essential infrastructure."

Voting to reject the request to waive the fees was Cr Davis, Cr Dodd, Cr Douglas, Cr Foreman, Cr Gallo, Cr Ingram, Cr Langford, Cr Mackay, Cr Blackwell voted to accept the request. Cr Flanery and Cr Stadtmiller were both absent.