Closed Council results

A number of matters were resolved during the Hilltops Council's most recent meeting during the Closed Council portion of the meeting.

During Closed Council Councillors discuss and vote on confidential matters with the press and the public excluded. At the end of the meeting the Mayor and the General Manager give a wrap up of what matters were resolved, along with the details being provided in the draft ordinary Council minutes.

Cr Flanery and Cr Blackwell moved the motion to move into closed Council.


According to the draft minutes on the Council website Councillors resolved to receive and note a report on electing a new external independent member to the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee and to approve the appointment of the recommended applicant as an 'external independent member of the ARIC.'

The recommendations were moved by Cr Mackay and Cr Douglas and adopted unanimously.


Council discussed a proposed lease of the Sewell building at 314 Albury Street, Murrumburrah.

Council resolved to enter into a lease with the Rotary Club of Murrumburrah Harden for 314 Albury St, Murrumburrah.

"Being Lots E and F in Deposited Plan 5113 for a term of one year at a peppercorn rent with a further option of two years," the recommendation read.

'Peppercorn rent' is a lease where the lease payment do not reflect the fair value of the property being leased.

"The Rotary Club of Murrumburrah Harden to be responsible for the payment of utilities for the building," the recommendation read.

"Waive the fees and charges applicable to the preparation of the Lease agreement; and Council authorise the Mayor and General Manager to execute the Lease agreement on behalf of Council."

The recommendation was moved by Cr Flanery and Cr Foreman.

Voting for the motion was Cr Blackwell, Cr Dodd, Cr Flanery, Cr Foreman, Cr Gallo, Cr Ingram and Cr Langford.

Voting against the motion was Cr Stadtmiller, Cr Mackay, Cr Davis and Cr Douglas.

The motion was adopted.


Hilltops Councillors voted to approve the proposed rental on the open market of 222 East Street, Harden and delegate to the General Manager the authority to negotiate the lease on behalf of Council and to execute all necessary documentation relating to the transaction.

The motion was moved by Cr Ingram and Cr Stadtmiller and moved unanimously.


Council resolved to receive and note the report on the Boorowa AC Mains Replacement Budget, allocate funds to the project from the Boorowa Water Fund and carry over funds for each of capital projects 600002 and 600362 (BWA - Network Infrastructure Renewal Works) from the 2023/2024 budget.

The motion was moved by Cr Blackwell and Cr Mackay.

Voting for the recommendation was Cr Blackwell, Cr Davis, Cr Dodd, Cr Douglas, Cr Flanery, Cr Foreman, Cr Gallo, Cr Ingram, Cr Mackay and Cr Stadtmiller.

Voting against the motion was Cr Langford.


The original motion was that Councillors receive and note the report on Kerbside Collection Service Level, request the tenderer provide a weekly domestic recycling collection for Young and note that further community consultation planned on waste services will include the frequency of recycling collection for Young.

The original motion was moved by Cr Ingram and Cr Stadtmiller, however an amended recommendation was put forward, moved by Cr Foreman and Cr Blackwell.

The amendment was to receive and note the report, that Young be provided fortnightly domestic recycling in accordance with the current contract and note that further community consultation planned on waste services will include the frequency of recycling collection for Young.

Cr Foreman, Cr Mackay and Cr Blackwell voted for the amended motion and Cr Davis, Cr Dodd, Cr Douglas, Cr Flanery, Cr Gallo, Cr Ingram, Cr Stadtmiller and Cr Langford voted against the amendment.

The amendment was lost.

The original motion was voted on with Cr Davis, Cr Dodd, Cr Douglas, Cr Flanery, Cr Gallo, Cr Ingram, Cr Langford and Cr Stadtmiller voting for the motion and Cr Foreman, Cr Mackay and Cr Blackwell voting against it.

The original recommendation was adopted.


The original motion put to Councillors was that Council receive and note the report and award the contract for the supply and delivery of bulk fuel to the recommended tenderer and accept the tendered Option 2 for a five year fixed contract term and delegate authority to the General Manager to execute all necessary documentation associated with this contract and expend funds as required within current budgets.

The original motion was moved by Cr Langford and Cr Douglas.

An amended recommendation was put to vote that Council accept bulk fuel supply pricing from the recommended tenderer and that a report come back to Council with costing options for a complete upgrade of the Boorowa, Harden and Young Bowser and Management System.

The amended recommendation was moved by Cr Flanery and Cr Gallo.

Cr Davis, Cr Mackay, Cr Flanery, Cr Gallo and Cr Dodd voted for the amendment.

Cr Foreman, Cr Douglas, Cr Ingram, Cr Blackwell and Cr Langford voted against the amendment.

With Cr Stadtmiller having left the meeting at 7.09pm the vote was tied and Mayor Ingram cast the tie-breaking vote against the motion.

The amendment was lost.

Cr Douglas and Cr Davis moved a different amendment that Council separate fuel and delivery price compared to bowser price on the day from the recommended tenderer and look at options of purchasing tanks outright and managing the purchase of fuels, still using the key system and managing fuel costings. Are Council vehicles filling up at depots receiving the bulk fuel price?

The amendment was voted down with Cr Douglas and Cr Davis voting for the recommendation and Cr Foreman, Cr Mackay, Cr Flanery, Cr Ingram, Cr Blackwell, Cr Gallo, Cr Langford and Cr Dodd voting against it.

The original motion was put to the vote, however, was also lost with Cr Foreman, Cr Blackwell, Cr Langford and Cr Dodd voting against it and Cr Davis, Cr Douglas, Cr Mackay, Cr Flanery, Cr Ingram and Cr Gallo voting against the motion.

It was resolved that Council defer the matter to go back to Council with the motion moved by Cr Ingram and Cr Flanery.

Cr Davis, Cr Dodd, Cr Douglas, Cr Flanery, Cr Gallo, Cr Ingram, Cr Langford, Cr Mackay and Cr Blackwell voted to defer the matter with Cr Foreman voting against it.

The next Ordinary Meeting of Hilltops Council is scheduled to be held on Wednesday November 27, 2024 at the Young Town Hall Council Chambers commencing at 4.30pm.