22 February 2025
Junior Cricket around the region

Under 11s

NXT Journey Sixers came up against the Dunk Insurance Hurricanes.

With the Hurricanes won the toss and elected to bat.

Thomas Gay got 23 runs, Lachlan Campbell got 14 runs, Angus Dickinson got 6 runs, Blake Smith, Marshall Sides, Campbell Hardie and William Manwaring all got 2 runs, and Archie Byrne and Cooper Vitnell both got 1 run.

With the Sixers bowling, Oliver Tiyce got 4 wickets, and Harry Schofield, Maddison Schofield and Leo Heffernan all got 1 wicket each.

In the field George Randall got one run out unassisted.

With the Sixers batting, George Randall and Harry Schofield both got 13 runs, Arthur Heffernan got 7 runs, Jasper Bush got 6 runs, Olivier Tiyce got 4 runs, Jack Hazlet and Leo Heffernan both got 3 runs, Maddison Schofield and Thomas Hazlett both got 2 runs.

With the Hurricanes Bowling, Cooper Vitnell got 2 wickets, Archie Byrne, Angus Dickinson and Thomas Gay all got 1 wicket.

In the field, Thomas Gay and Cooper Vitnell both got 1 catch as a fielder and William Manwaring got 1 run out unassisted.

The Gecko Sports Smashers came up against the Cato Strikers.

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The CATO Strikers won the toss and elected to bat.

Jack Collins got 14 runs, George Parkman got 13 runs, Pippa Findlay got 12 runs, Hugh Findlay got 11 runs, Archie Parkman got 10 runs, Robert Thackeray got 8 runs, Zach Armstrong got 5 runs.

With the Sports Smashers Bowling, Will Markham, Harriet Markham and Annabelle Carson all got 1 wicket.

Elliot Palmer got 1 run out unassisted.

With the Sports Smashers up to bat, Will Markham, Elliot Palmer and Lewis Palmer all got 7 runs, Annabelle Carson got 5 runs, Theodore Flagg and Alexander Carson both got 2 runs, Charles Shipp and Harriet Markham both got 1 run each.

Bowling, Jack Collins got 1 wicket, Robert Thackeray got 1 catch as a fielder and Hugh Findlay got 1 run out assisted and Pippa Findlay 1 run out unassisted and 1 run out assisted.

Results from the Jennings Mowers Warriors and Ray White Young Heat match are still pending.

Boorowa Green and Boorowa Gold came up against each other, with Boorowa Green winning the toss and electing to bat.

With Boorowa Green in bat, Octavian Miller got 25 runs, Patrick Smith got 17 runs, Digby Merriman got 15 runs, William Miller got 11 runs, Beau Taylor got 9 runs, James Kelly and William Cross both got 5 runs, Thomas Lawler got 4 runs, Xander Howard-Allison got 3 runs and Art Greig got 2 runs.

With Boorowa Gold bowling, Archer Dowling and Lachlan Halls both got 2 wickets, Thomas Scott, Rosie Scott and Alfie Shean all got 1 wicket each.

In the Field, George Manion got 1 stumping.

With Boorowa Gold Batting, George Manion got 34 runs, Archer Dowling got 15 runs, Jacob Halls got 14 runs, Angus Burton Taylor got 12 runs, Lachlan Halls got 11 runs, Alfie Shean got 10 runs, Thomas Scott got 3 runs and Rosie Scott and Luke van Leeuwen got 2 runs each.

With Boorowa Green Bowling, Octavian Miller, Patrick Smith and William Miller all got 2 wickets and Beau Taylor got 1 wicket.

Digby Merriman got one run out assisted, William Cross got 1 catch as a fielder and 1 run out assisted and Art Greif got 1 run out unassisted.

Under 13s

Harden Hornets came up against the Mixed Nimbus Scorchers, with the Scorchers winning the toss and electing to bat.

Tyson Schofield got 46 runs, Bentley Quinn and Henry Aiken both got 10 runs, Edward Shipp got 7 runs and Marnie Campbell got 1 run.

With the Hornets Bowling, Alec Weston, Jack Allen, Ardy Abnett, Fletcher Betts and Louis Abnett all got 1 wicket each.

Alec Weston, Ardy Abnett, Fletcher Betts and Andreas Macfarlane all got 1 catch as a fielder.

With the Hornets up to Bat, Ardy Abnett got 50 runs, Alec Weston got 23 runs, Alexander Mcmillan got 18 runs and Andreas Macfarlane got 10 runs.

No wickets for the Scorchers, but Bentley Quinn got 1 run out unassisted.

The Young Vet Clinic Renegades came up against the Col Gerhard Colts.

Col Gerhard Colts won the toss and elected to bat.

With Young bowling, Henry Parkman, Scarlett Woods and Oscar McRae all got 2 wickets, Harry Houston and Charlie Maher both got 1 wicket each.

Up to bat, Henry Parkman got 19 runs, Charlie Maher got 18 runs, Tyler Pullen got 3 runs, Harry Houston got 2 runs, Matilda Woodward and Scarlett Woods got 1 run each.

Under 16s

The Watson Toyota Cruisers came up against the Cootamundra Golf and Sports Club Kookaburras.

Cootamundra Golf and Sports Club Kookaburras won the toss and elected to bat.

With the cruisers bowling, Jack Shea, Aidan Mesa, Brydie Davis, a fill-in, Braith Anderson and a 2nd fill-in all got 1 wicket each.

Jack Shea got 1 run out unassisted and a fill-in got 1 catch as a fielder.

with the Cruisers up to bat, a fill-in got 29 runs, Nicholas Mcraye got 23 runs, Zabir Alam got 20 runs, Braith Anderson got 7 runs and Jack Shea and Liam Payne 2 runs each.

The Amber Blythe Breakers came up against the Ariah Park Redbacks.

Ariah Park Redbacks 16s won the toss and elected to bat.

The Breakers bowling, Ryder Dovern and a fill-in both got 2 wickets each, a 2nd fill-in and Addison Dovern both got 1 wicket each.

In the field, Mitchell Schiller got 1 catch as a fielder, Addison Dovern got 1 catch as a fielder and 1 run out unassisted and Ryder Dovern got 1 run out unassisted.

With the Breakers now up to bat, Addison Dovern got 32 runs, Jayden Duggan got 11 runs, Mitchell Schiller got 7 runs, Ryder Dovern got 3 runs, a fill-in got 2 runs, a 2nd fill-in and Beau Bourlet both got 1 run each.