16 October 2024
CBA Young share the dignity in the local community

Young Commonwealth Bank branch has again joined the #dignitydrive campaign, setting up a collection point for period products for women, girls and anyone who menstruates.

The initiative, run by Australian not-for-profit organisation Share the Dignity, has been providing those experiencing homelessness, domestic violence or poverty with period products since early 2015.

"We are thrilled to be supporting Share the Dignity and their 2024 August Dignity Drive," Sarah Sullivan, Branch Manager of Commonwealth Bank Young said.

"We are hoping to collect 100 unopened packets of period products during the campaign to donate to those in need."

Young is just one of many Commonwealth Bank Branches in the Greater South West that is supporting the initiative.

"If you'd like to donate, next time you're doing your shopping, keep in mind: one box for me, one box for them, then simply drop off your donation at your nearest Commonwealth Bank branch or local collection point," Mrs Sullivan said.

For further info, please visit:

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