On Saturday it was the Pink Shirt 4BBB medley sponsored by Michele and Col Blizzard.
The winners were Greg Hennock and Jody Hennock with 50 points.
The best individual Ladies score was Chris Keevil with 36 points on a countback and the best individual Mens score was Trevor Major with 42 points.
The Terry Brothers Carpet Court secret birdie hole was the 7th and was won by Trevor Major on a card draw.
The Watson Toyota NTP on the 7th was won by Josh Andrews with 154 cm and the 17th was won by Swayde Honeman with 176 cm.
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The Pro Pin on the 7th was won by Josh Andrews with 154 cm.
The Ian Page Bricklaying card draw was won by Adrian Hanrahan. The Vinnies Pizza voucher was won by Steve Connelly.
Balls went down to 35 individual points on a countback and there were 82 players.
The final of the Norman Crawford matchplay was played between Wayne Honeman and Jim Glasheen.
Swayde was the winner on the 20th hole. Congratulations Swayde on an excellent result in a close contest.
The Wednesday Medley was won by Zac Smith with 39 points and he won 8 balls.
Michael Baldry was second with 38 points and he won 6 balls.
Peter Broekman was third (5 balls) on a countback from Ian Tierney (4 balls).
Peter Sykes was 5th (3 balls) and Chris Davidson was 6th (2 balls).
The Pro Pin on the 7th had an invalid name and the $37 voucher jackpots next week.
Balls went down to 30 points on a countback and there were 49 players.
The Friday 18 hole medley was won by Wayne Hewson with 36 points and he won 2 balls. There were 2 players.
The Kyle McGovern Electrical Sunday medley was won by Charlie Corcoran with 40 points and he won 6 balls.
Swayde Honeman was second with 39 points (5 balls) Josephine Webber was third with 38 points (4 balls) on a countback from Shaun Rolfe (3 balls).
Balls went to 31 points on a countback and there were 32 players. The Watson Toyota secret birdie hole was the 6th and the $120 voucher was won by Levi French.
The jackpot will be $30 next week.
The Social Club played a 14 hole event that was won by Gary Cooper with 52 nett on a countback Anthony Webb.