LAST WEEK: Tuesday's winner was Geoff Nott, second going to Brian Hearne.
Geoff had two birdies, David Jasprizza had three gobbles, Garry Cummins had one gobble.
Max Hardman was the stroke winner on Thursday with Geoff Nott coming in second.
Max had a birdie gobble, Geoff had one birdie and David Jasprizza had one gobble.
Sunday a two person Ambrose was played.
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First place went to Garry Cummins and Brent Sheather with 52.25nett, next best Lindsay Sheather and Geoff Taylor with 54.25nett.
Brent and Garry had a birdie gobble. Birdies went to Lindsay and Geoff and Nigel willet and Thadem Davies, Lindsay and Geoff also had a gobble.
Sponsor of the week Powderly's Pumping and Irrigation.
THIS WEEK: Tuesday's social event was won by Nigel Willett with Garry Cummins coming in second.
Sunday was the monthly medal.
A Grade - 1st Lindsay Sheather 59 nett, 2nd Geoff Nott 61nett
B Grade - 1st Nigel Willett 52 nett, 2nd Mark Falkenmire 53 nett
Birdies - Geoff and David Jasprizza, one each.
David had two gobbles.
Sponsor of the week was South West Tractors.
The Club has a Charity Golf Day coming up on December 15.
Proceeds for the day to go to MND. More info later.
Belated birthday wishes to David and Lindsay.
Organising has commenced for our 30th year.
Anniversary to be held next year.