16 October 2024
Flanno for a farmer day

Flanno For A Farmer Day was last Friday August 23 and while the day may have come and gone, this important organisation is asking fellow Aussies to support their Aussie farmers by donning a "flanno" on a nominated day (that doesn't have to be August 23) and donating a fiver because we always need our farmers to sustain our nation, but it's important to recognise that sometimes they need us too!

Through drought, floods, fires, plagues and more; the conditions are tough and so are our farmers, but just because they can handle a heck of a lot, doesn't mean they should have to.

The frequency and severity of natural disasters mean many are at risk of losing their farm or walking away, and according to a 2021 study, one farmer completes suicide every 10 days which is a staggering 59% higher than the rate among non-farmers.

This is not something that we can ignore and we ask for your help to show farmers we care, we stand by them and we support them. Every dollar raised goes to Farm Angels who provide tangible support for farmers through financial assistance, food hampers, care packs, and mental wellbeing support to over thousands of primary producers affected by all natural disasters (drought, flood, fire, and plagues) in over 1,300 communities across Australia.

While there's never an easy day on the land, Farm Angels help make the really tough days a little easier.

We're aiming for 1 million Aussies to wear a flanno and donate a fiver on, after or before 23rd August. Can we count you in?

Cootamundra MP Steph Cooke jumped behind the cause.

"Farmers are the backbone of our communities and now it's our turn to support them," she said on her Facebook page last week.

"Historically, Aussie farmers have relied heavily on the 'she'll be right mate' attitude.

"They put in long days and nights to ensure their land is productive, they have to deal with the harsh elements which mother nature throws at them such as natural disasters, along with other crises and challenges."

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Sadly, these pressures can lead to farmers risking the loss their farms or even their lives.

Recent research by the National Farmers' Federation reveals some sobering statistics:

- Nearly half of Australian farmers have felt depressed.

- Almost two-thirds of Australian farmers experience anxiety.

- Close to half of Australian farmers have had thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

- Close to one-third have attempted self-harm or suicide.

- One farmer completes suicide every 10 days. This is 59% higher than the rate among non-farmers.

We can all help to help turn this around.

Flanno for a Farmer is a great way to let Aussie farmers know that we've got their backs.

By raising a few dollars and donning your finest flanno you'll be supporting Farm Angels previously Drought Angels and our Aussie farmers.

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