2 March 2025
Join the 2YYY Community Radio

2YYY 92.3FM Community Radio has been operational in Young for twenty years now.

However, we are facing a difficult future due to a severe down turn in advertising income and continually rising operational costs.

In years past, pre-COVID times, we were supported by local business far more than now.

Is it because community radio is largely an invisible presence in the community?

If so, it’s not for the lack of social media or radio information releases that advocate for the community to get involved.

Be it by volunteering or by advertising with us.

Our advertising/sponsorship rates are a fraction of what commercial radio charges.

The biggest difference is that every dollar of income stays right here in town to support our operational budget.

Not one dollar goes to a city office.

Simply put, we need the help of our local community to survive now more than ever.

Join our mailing list

Subscribe to our newsletter

Our continued existence helps every other community group receive free airtime to get their message out to you, and music for the community is something unique to community radio.

Local business please consider sponsoring local community radio, the only one in The Hilltops.

Please contact us via email or by phoning us 6382-72000 and someone will return your call to discuss your advertising needs.

Or you can come into the station at 44a Lovell Street, Young between 9.00am and 12.00pm weekdays. And the wider community can help by making a donation to 2YYY and becoming a member.

So don’t be shy and join Team 2YYY today. JAMES WALL